First look into usage data of year-long field tests

After more than one year of field tests, we can have a first look at the PEAKapp usage statistics from Austria. This first data suggests that there are a persistent demand and strong interest for PEAKapp and its main functionalities among Austrian test users.

Among other parameters, data shows 30 % active monthly users use PEAKapp more than one year after they first downloaded the app. In comparison to other social media apps, PEAKapp’s retention rate is higher than for some of the very popular social media apps. These results demonstrate on the one hand strong consumers’ interest in household energy consumption management app and on the other hand prove that the functionalities provided in PEAKapp are useful and usable for Austrian households.

Based on the first results we can see that dashboard – providing an overview of all the most relevant energy information at a glance – is the most frequently visited page with 88.395 views in the period from 1.6.2017 to 1.10.2018. Further on, we see that users not only visited the dashboard page and closed the app right afterward but that, on average, users spend around two minutes per session looking at different pages in the app. For instance, they took time to check the analysis page (32.941 views) which provided information on their household energy consumption in kWhs or in euros. The monthly updated household comparison/benchmark function had 10.999 views.

Last but not least, the serious game PEAKpoker page offered users an entertaining and educational tool – this functionality was viewed 23.393 times.

Further statistics will follow after detailed analysis.

Author: Valeriya Azarova (text) and Jed Cohen (images) 

Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz 

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