Objective 1 – To empower the end-user:
- The end-user will be motivated to behave in a more energy efficient manner. PEAKapp will offer individualized saving opportunities rather than awaiting the consumer’s request for information on discounts.
- PEAKapp will implement the first tariff structure which dynamically offers discounts during peaks of electricity production from renewable energies. The implementation of the PEAKapp ecosystems enables the users in the households to actively reduce their personal carbon footprints.
Objective 2 – To create a competitive advantage for the provider:
- PEAKapp will launch the first dynamic pricing system to the household energy market which allows electricity retailers to forward the saving benefits of lower priced electricity produced during peak times of renewable production to the households.
- This new business model offers unique selling points and a positive positioning in the increasingly competitive European energy market.
- Finally, energy providers fulfill obligations set by several EU directives including Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU), the Internal Market for Electricity and Gas Directive (2009/72/EC, 2009/73/EC) and also the EU directive on Corporate Social Responsibility.
Objective 3 – To research and facilitate behavioural change:
- The PEAKapp research team will gain valuable insights in the most efficient ways to foster energy efficiency and load shifting capacities of households and their sensitivity to prices and develop a deeper understanding of the engagement-enhancing capabilities of social networks and serious gaming in an energy efficiency context.
Objective 4 – To remove barriers for market uptake:
- To accelerate a wide-spread market uptake, a roll-out planning toolkit will be provided. It ensures uncomplicated cost-benefit analyses of the system from the electricity providers’ perspective.
- To implement the PEAKapp ecosystem, full data protection and consumer rights will be priority issues.
PEAKapp aims to trigger energy savings through:
Impact 1:
- Purely behavioral based measures including small investments, e.g. efficient bulbs
Impact 2:
- Tariff-induced consumption reduction along with shifting loads from primarily GHG-intensive energy production to times of high renewable production – and therefore increasing the systemic efficiency of the EU energy system -,
Impact 3:
- Through boosting the attractiveness and thus the efficacy and acceptance of Smart Home systems.
Impact 4:
- Better utilization of the the energy infrastructure.