Grüne IT-Innovation mit Spaßfaktor – Einladung zur Markteinführung von PEAKapp
PEAKapp ist ein durch das Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation-Programm der EU gefördertes Projekt, das eine völlig neuartige Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie entwickelt hat, die mit dem Smart Meter zuhause verbunden ist. Mit diesem System können europäische KonsumentInnen ihren Energieverbrauch spielerisch kontrollieren. Dabei nutzen sie Spitzenzeiten erneuerbarer, günstiger Energiequellen bewusst und tragen so zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasen und anderen schädlichen Emissionen direkt beitragen.
Der einjährige Testlauf mit mehr als 1000 UserInnen verliefen ausgesprochen zufriedenstellend, sagt Projektverantwortlicher Dr. Johannes Reichl, Energieinstitut an der Universität Linz. Gamification-Elemente basierend auf Verhaltensforschung zeigten hohe Aktivierungsraten der KonsumentInnen.
„Ungefähr die Hälfte aller teilnehmenden Haushalte nutze PEAKapp sehr aktiv zur Kontrolle ihres Energieverbrauchs. Und mehr als 60% der KonsumentInnen interagierte auch mit dem Gamification-Element, circa ein Drittel von ihnen sogar regelmäßig” fügt Dr. Thomas Goette hinzu, Geschäftsführer von GreenPocket, dem Entwicklerteam von PEAKapp.
Wir laden Sie sehr herzlich zu unserer Veranstaltung am 8. November ein, die während der European Utility Week 2018 in Wien stattfinden wird. Diese Veranstaltung soll die Markteinführung und weitere Verbreitung der österreichischen IT-Innnovation PEAKapp unterstützen, weshalb eine intensive Stakeholder- und Medien-Beteiligung höchst erwünscht ist.
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European Sustainable Energy 2018 Press Release
Bitte finden Sie hier die EUSEW2018 Pressemittlung hier.
PEAKapp in Media
Energy saving services help society´s transition to energy efficient lifestyle. With the planet warming up and energy prices rising, public attention is turning to technology for a solution. Here you can find articles where PEAKapp was mentioned:
- 5 Ways to Save Energy in 2017, European Commission Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises, 25.1.2017
- Horizon2020 – 2 years on, European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, June 2016
- From App to Energy Manager, EnergieAG Kundenzeitung, January 2017
- Good practice in energy efficiency, European Commission, March 2017
Good practice in energy efficiency, Clean energy for all Europeans, European Commission
- Smart und efektiv, Oberösterreichische Rundschau, 13.4.2017
- Linzer Enamo und Uni entwickeln Energiespar-App,, 26.7.2017
- ORF video coverage
PEAKapp Press Release
Read PEAKapp Press Release HERE.
Similar Energy Efficiency Solutions
ENERJ (Joint Actions for Energy Efficiency) is an Interreg MED modular project and aims at enhancing and improving the coordination of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP’s) and other relevant energy Efficiency Plans. The project will develop and test a technologically oriented methodology for increasing cooperation among public authorities through Joint Actions transferring the most promising methods in the partner regions. Eleven partners in nine Mediterranean countries are active to increase energy efficiency in public buildings in their regions and EU-wide. Context analyses in the partner regions provide the basis for a common methodology for Joint Action on Energy Efficiency. It will contain the foreseen efficiency measures in existing energy plans (SEAPs), financing schemes and a selection of buildings in each partner region that will undergo energy audits. The energy data of the audits will go onto the web platform together with the EE measures already adopted by the municipalities, a methodology on how todesign and implement joint actions and guidance on financing strategies. The collaborative platform is one of the two main strategies of ENERJ.
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The project GAIA (Green Awareness in Action) focuses on the educational community; faculty, staff, students and parents at all levels of education: primary/secondary/high schools and universities. The objective is to raise awareness among young people and motivate changes in their behaviour and habits concerning energy usage. GAIA will create an innovative ICT ecosystem (including web-based, mobile, social and sensing elements) tailored specifically for school environments, considering both the users (faculty, staff, students, parents) and buildings (schools, universities, homes) that will motivate and support the users’ behavioural change to achieve greater energy efficiency.
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GreenSoul (Eco-aware Persuasive Networked Data Devices for User Engagement in Energy Efficiency) focuses on achieving higher energy efficiency in public buildings by changing the way people consume energy when they use shared devices (e.g. lights, printers) and personal devices (e.g. personal pluggable appliances). The project aims to increase the user energy-awareness and change the e-consumption habits and include intelligence in the devices to let them autonomously decide about their operation mode to increase their energy efficiency. The project will use a range of techniques, from persuasive social applications to physical interaction mechanisms linked to the devices. The developed system will be deployed in five building pilots at different climatic areas and associated to different usage and facilities, ensuring the cross-country and cross-building analysis of the project impact.
The GreenPlay project consists in raising awareness among citizens through the implementation of a real time monitoring energy consumption platform and the development of a serious game. This system will consist of four key elements: — A monitoring energy consumption in real time, — A web-based platform to monitor its consumption, — Advice and challenges available for users on the platform to reduce consumption, — A serious game to raise awareness of users. The demonstration of this project will take place in three European cities and reach at least 200 homes. These targeted homes located in publicly and/or privately owned buildings will have to fulfill tree conditions: 1. Being heated with electricity, 2. Having an internet access, 3. Having electric hot water. The expected impact of the solution is to decrease by 30% the energy consumption of the testing homes.
The main objective of the EnerGAware project is to decrease energy consumption and emissions in an affordable housing pilot and increase the affordable housing tenants’ understanding and engagement in energy efficiency. The EnerGAware project will develop and test, in 100 affordable homes, a serious game that will be linked to the actual energy consumption (smart meter data) of the game user’s home and embedded in social media and networking tools. The EnerGAware solution will provide an innovative IT ecosystem in which users can play to learn about the potential energy savings from installing energy-efficiency measures and changing user behavior.
OrbEEt (ORganizational Behaviour improvement for Energy Efficient administrative public offices) proposes an ICT-based framework to induce behaviour change toward energy efficiency by transforming energy measurements into personalized feedback delivered through engaging user interfaces. To achieve this challenge, OrbEEt foresees dynamic, spatially fine-grained extensions of building-level Operational Rating methodologies and Display Energy Certificates to provide a detailed view of energy use in office spaces, business processes and organizational entities rather than entire buildings. The fusion of information from Building Information Models, Business Process Models and real-time energy use measurements will be performed via a comprehensive ICT cloud service – the Systemic Enterprise Operational Rating framework. This will enable energy use tracking and will establish direct accountability of people, processes and spaces toward overall consumption.
The overall objective of the TRIBE project is to contribute to a behavioural change towards energy efficiency in public buildings, through the users’ engagement via playing a social game that will be linked to real time data collected from the pilot buildings including academic, living and workspaces environments. Existing monitoring systems and low-cost ICT technologies (wireless sensors, smart meters, smart plugs, etc.) will be assumed to feed the game with real time data from the pilot buildings. The developed serious game will enable the dynamic interaction between buildings and users and will motivate changes in the players’ behaviour. It will be implemented through social networks, to allow the exchange of information and experience between the users and to promote a group behaviour change.
The project ENTROPY (Design of an innovative energy-aware it ecosystem for motivating behavioural changes towards the adoption of energy efficient lifestyles) focuses on the design and deployment of an innovative IT ecosystem that will improve energy efficiency through consumers understanding, engagement and behavioural changes. Emphasis is given on the collection of energy-related information from heterogeneous data sources, on the proper analysis of the available data and on the provision of interactive services, applications and serious games to end users for motivating their interest on energy efficient activities, for providing recommendations to adopt more energy efficient lifestyles and for increasing their overall energy consumption awareness. The project will consider the integration of information collected from a set of sensor networks and the exploitation of mobile crowd sensing activities along with the implementation of processes for monitoring, reporting and analysing sets of data with regards to energy consumption and the behavioural profile of citizens.
ChArGED addresses the energy consumption in public buildings and proposes a framework that aims to facilitate achieving greater energy efficiency and reductions of wasted energy in public buildings. The framework leverages IoT enabled, low-cost devices (NFC or iBeacons) to improve energy disaggregation mechanisms that provide energy use and -consequently- wastages at the device, area and end user level. These wastages are targeted by a gamified application that feeds personalized real-time recommendations to each individual end user. The design of the game follows a cleanweb approach and implements a novel social innovation process that is designed based on human inceptives factors and helps users to understand the environmental implications of their actions and adopt a greener, more active and responsible behaviour. Efficient energy use renders its consumption predictable and this is exploited by the ChArGED gamified application to optimize use of the micro-generated energy.
Press Contact
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Tel. +43 (0)1 323 1000 -15